HIV Treatment Access for Overseas Residents in Australia, Richard Keane, Living Positive Victoria; Dermal Dimensions, Holly Durant; Pride In Protest, Corporate Condemnations and the Mardi Gras Annual General Meeting, Holly Brooke

Friday, 6 December 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
HIV Treatment Access for Overseas Residents in Australia, Richard Keane, Living Positive Victoria; Dermal Dimensions, Holly Durant; Pride In Protest, Corporate Condemnations and the Mardi Gras Annual General Meeting, Holly Brooke

Interviews with Richard Keane, Holly Durant and Holly Brooke. 

  Richard Keane from Living Positive Victoria discusses access to HIV Treatments for overseas residents in Australia. 

  Artist Holly Durant chats from her 80-hour, non-stop art event Dermal Dimensions at RMIT in Melbourne.  

  Holly Brooke from activist group Pride in Protest joins us from Sydney to discuss their controversial motions at the Mardi Gras AGM, including condemning pharmaceutical giant Gilead for its prices of HIV treatments overseas.  Holly also discusses Pride in Protest's motions regarding ANZ, QANTAS, refugees and the need for an organisational ethics charter at Mardi Gras.

James McKenzie In Ya Face 3CR
Friday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Explores LGBTIQA+ issues with interviews, music and commentary.


James McKenzie
