Rally in Washington to close Guantanamo Bay | Problems with nuclear subs in Australia | Malaysia expansion of Lynas Rare Earths, radioactive polluter | Fiji new PM and other effects on the peoples of the Pacific | two months PhD research in Cuba, Part 2

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

 Rally in Washington on January 11 to close Guantanamo Bay concentration camp – Herb Geraghty, organiser of the Witness Against Torture

 Increasing issues concerning nuclear subs for Australia – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat

  Moves to expand Lynas plant in Malaysia which produces radio active materials – Malaysian/Australian environmental consultant and activist Lee Tan

 New Prime Minister in Fiji and other areas affecting the peoples of the Pacific – journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan

 Part 2 of interview with PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis and his two months of research in Cuba

 Head to www.3cr.org.au/hometime-tuesday for full access to links and previous podcasts