History of work with Palestine | Impacts of recent earthquake on Syria | Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal | GeneEthics monthly report | 20th Anniversary of 2nd Gulf War

Tuesday, 14 February 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

 His Week That WasKevin Healy

 Dr Kevin Bray talking about his working life and commitment to working for Palestine

 Dr Tim Anderson and the impact of the recent earthquake on the people of Syria

 Actions on February 14 related to the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal – US peace activist & President of World BEYOND WarKathy Kelly

 Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GeneEthics Network with his monthly report.

 The 20th anniversary of the 2nd Gulf War and war powers challenges – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat

Head to www.3cr.org.au/hometime-tuesday for full access to links and previous podcasts