The People's Blockade of the World's Largest Coalport

Sunday, 17 December 2023 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Two climate activists - one dressed as a lump of coal and one as a gas canister - cook an Earth on a BBQ with a sign that reads 'Cooking the planet!'
Thousands of climate activists took to the water on the weekend of November 25-26, blockading the coal port in Muloombinba Newcastle.

Jacob spoke to blockade organiser Zack Schofield, and school striker Niamh Cush, about the protest. We also hear a First Nations panel discussion featuring Awabakal elder Aunty Tracey, Ngemba elder Aunty Caroline, Bundjalung and Worimi saltwater woman Phoebe McIlwraith, and Ngemba, Wangan and Jagalingou protector of country Wilka Kirakuta. The conversation was moderated by Wadi wadi man of the Yuin nation, Matthew Jeffery.

Featuring music by Newcastle band 'Photos of the Moon'.
A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.
