Tenant's Rights and the Current Housing Crisis

Tuesday, 6 June 2023 - 6:00pm to Tuesday, 13 June 2023 - 5:30pm

Housing has become an increasingly desperate situation for so many in the community, and renters are often the most vulnerable and at risk of poverty and homelessness. The current private tenancy rates are sitting well below 1% in many parts of the state, and suitable accommodation stock is often worse for those with little to spend or who need access to critical services. On top of that, many renters have been slugged with massive increases on their rent, making keeping a roof over their head very hard, and with nowhere available to go. 


Done By Law recently spoke to RAHU (Renters and Housing Union), but  given the immense amount of pressure many in our community are feeling about their housing stability, we’re focusing on the legal rights of renters and cases currently being taken to VCAT or other Courts to consider these issues. To help us understand, we’re joined tonight by Amy Frew.


Amy is the Director of Client Services at Tenants Victoria, a specialist CLC that serves renters statewide. Tenants Victoria’s vision is for a safe, secure and affordable home for Victorian renters in a fair housing system.


For more information visit: https://tenantsvic.org.au/contact-us/  

Done By Law
Tuesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Current legal issues presented by the Federation of Community Legal Centres, giving an alternative view of proposed legislation changes.


Members of the Federation of Community Legal Centres
