asylum seekers human rights and prisons

Monday, 28 June 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
picture of Medevac refugees. inside  the hotel holding protest signs one said what is our crime

Marisa interviewed David Glanz from the Refugee Action Collective about an upcoming court case coming up on 13 July, at Hidelerge Magistrates court. It was discussed that thirty refugee supporters were fined on 10 April 2020 for taking part in a COVID-safe car rally to the Mantra Hotel in Preston, which housed some 60 Medevac refugees. Check out the court case on the Refugee Action Collective website.

Marisa also interviewed Monique Hurley, Asociate Legal Director from the Human rights Law Centre, about a damning report from Ibac, about serious systemic wrongdoing and breaches exposed in Victorian prisons. Check out the Ibac report, on their website.

Doin Time 4-5pm Mondays
Monday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
An open forum, presenting information and discussion around issues faced by prisoners in the criminal justice system and migration detention centres.


