Human rights of prisoners, Release of Political prisoner Debbie Sims Africa Move 9

Monday, 25 June 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Marisa and peter interviewed Brett bollins from Justice action about the rejection of an exprisoner from a health conference, because he failed to pay the fee of $2500 The sectarian attitude of the Health department was discussed, as was the failure of the conference to recognise the lived experience of prison in regards to equal healthcare. Brett recent attendance at a  Penal Abolition conference was in London was also discussed.

A Podcasted interview was also played about the release of Debbie sims Afrira's release from prison.  

Doin Time 4-5pm Mondays
Monday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
An open forum, presenting information and discussion around issues faced by prisoners in the criminal justice system and migration detention centres.


