STRIKING FOR CLIMATE ACTION Episode 3: On the front lines

Monday, 19 August 2019 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Presenter: Vivien Langford

Producer: Andy Britt

Indigenous people are on the front lines of climate action all over the world. If you strike or take action on September 20th let their example and words ring in your ears.

"The traditional rules and laws of indigenous peoples would never allow this stripping of resources from our traditional homelands on this planet at a net cost to future generations and to life itself."

Lil 'Wat elder from Wisdom of the Elders by David Suzuki & Peter Knudtson


Vincent Sicari from The Pacific Calling Partnership at the Edmund Rice Centre talks about how Australia needs to live up to its international obligations. Pacific peoples want to live in harmony with us as family. However as Anote Tong says "Your policy cannot be dictated by the coal industry". Listen here to an ABC Radio National interview with Anote Tong from the 19th of August 2019.


Andy Paine speaks to us from Central Qld. Frontline Action on Coal (FLAC) are putting their bodies on the line to stop land clearing for a new coal mine.  We hear also from two people who have come up to the camp because they do not want the climate disaster that more coal will fuel. On the lock on equipment the words "One life, one chance, resist and defend" tell you all you need to know. They would be happy if you came up to join them.

Grey Power Earth Protectors is one group going up to Camp Bindi :


Adrian Burruguba  was not able to speak on tonight's show but  we broadcast part of his speech  to the Canberra rally organised by Bob Brown Foundation

To keep up to date with their struggle and lend them every support read this:


Winona la Duke  is an Ojibwe Environmental Leader and the executive director of Honor the Earth. This is a Native environmental advocacy organization that played an active role in the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Tonight we hear part of her talk on Democracy Now! updating us on  five tarsands pipelines that have been stopped, held up in court or are still a frontline of protest.

For a more in depth look at her ideas check out this Conversation: Winona la Duke +Naomi Klein Land Rights and Climate Change Jan 2019


On the Trade Union Frontline

Tim Kennedy  is the general secretary of the National Union of Workers and says their members  have climate change very much in mind. They include  farm workers and oil rig workers .The headline might be  "Dairy giant Fonterra blames drought ... 100 jobs to go." or  "Labour exploitation on farms" The NUW is in there finding a way through. So they see the need for climate action now.

Other members work on oil or gas rigs and so we hear from Tim why they might consider  Standing up to be counted on September 20th when the School strike for climate goes global.

Tommy-John Herbert is with the Maritime Union of Australia which is supporting the Strike for climate Action. He tells us about his experience as a seafarer and the environmental destruction he has seen around Australia's oil rigs. Of course the oil and gas Companies say"Our future remains bright, supplying  vital energy to Australians for many decades to come" but we explore the transition to jobs in offshore wind as an alternative.

Monday 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.


Climate Action Collective
