Vulnerable Sex Workers - Street Based Sex Workers

Thursday, 3 March 2022 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm

Join Sasja and Kitty as they introduce this month's topic of vulnerable sex workers, discuss Sasja's past experiences of being a street based sex worker and Kitty's commitment to supporting street based sex workers through community service. 

St Kilda Legal Service
The St Kilda Legal Service aims to educate people about their legal rights. Some of the projects that they have worked on specifically aimed at educating sex workers.

Hustling to Health (H2H)
H2h provides a drop-in space for street based sex workers every Friday evening at 31 Grey St. Kilda. The service provides a cosy lounge room environment where people can relax, enjoy dinner and be assisted to access a range of health and community services. 

Behind Closed Doors 3CR
Thursday 6-6:30pm on 855am

#BCD3CR #3CR #RadioShow
#Melbourne #Australia #DecrimNow
#SexWorkIsWork #BreakingStigma
#SexWork #SexualHeath #SexPositive 
#PassingTheMic #VunerabalSexWorkers