Alternative News - Episode 201604240915

Sunday, 24 April 2016 - 9:15am to 9:30am

Today we will speak about:

What really happened at Gallipoli? Separating the history from the myth.

The  Anzac  Legend  has  been  the  subject  of a lot of debate  between historians,  but  there  has been not enough  attention  given  to  the  highly  contested  nature  of  Anzac  from  the  very beginning  of  its  history.

Anzac  has  been  a  site  for  intense   political  debate  and  social  division,  as  well  as  a focus  of  national  unity.

The labour movement and working - class Australians have been in the front of this debate, refusing to allow conservatives to take over its cultural and historical meanings.

Alternative News produced by the Campaign for International Co-Operation and Disarmament
Sunday 9:15am to 9:30am
News about peace, disarmament and nuclear issues.


Romina Beitseen and Andrew Irving
