Emily Maguire and Sandi Scaunich

Thursday, 6 May 2021 - 11:30am to 12:00pm

Emily Maguire has written about ‘Love Objects’. Things that are personal becoming public and the deep hurt associated with it especially if those things are sex and hoarding. 

One person’s trash is another’s treasure in Sandi Scaunch’s novel, 'Chasing the McCubbin', where the world of garage sales provides hope and opportunity for those seeking direction. 

Join David, Lisa and Jan for Published Or Not
Thursday 11:30am to 12:00pm
Australian and international authors talk about their books and how they got published or how they self-published. Listeners, writers and readers will also hear about what's going on in our local writing community.


Jan Goldsmith, David McLean and Lisa Moule
