Not My Debt's Lyndsey Jackson speaks in a podcast with 3CR's Over the Wall Part one November 2020

Wednesday, 18 November 2020 - 11:15am
Not My Debt. Gordon Legal Action, Cashless welfare Card, Robodebt and call for a royal commission into illegality of Robodebt

Lyndsey Jackson (one of the coordinators of the Not My Debt campaign, and designer of the Not My Debt website), returns to speak again with 3CR's Over the Wall about the ongoing struggles against Robodebts and the human impacts of automated algorithms to calculate debts- a system now proved to be illegal and that has cost tax payers billions in government recompensation to the people who suffered by receiving stressful and illegal Robodebt notices. 


Topics include: Not My Debt campaign strategies, issues for people with Robodebts and peer support, Gordon Legal Action outcome Novemebr 16th 2020, Cashless Welfare Card, Robodebt illegality and lack of accountability for ministers and senior public servents who continued with Robodebt scheme after knowing of its illegality, and call for a royal commission into illegality of Robodebt


#notmydebt(link is external) is a website built and run by a handful of volunteers from all around Australia, some with debts and some without, united by our deep concern about the injustice of Centrelink's robo-debt fiasco and the impact it's having on the lives of ordinary citizens. 

Not my Debt's main aim is to get as many false debt stories in one place as possible, to get people's voices heard, so that this scandal can't be plausibly minimised or denied. 
You can contribute to this by using &/or sharing this link is external), and read and search the stories of other Australians here(link is external).



Over The Wall
Informing people of changes within government services that impact upon the social safety net, and how to better deal with bureaucracy and how to protect your rights. Over the Wall offers some simple tools to fight back and defend yourself against a system that penalises people already disadvantaged by poverty and significant health conditions.


Peter Davis and Duncan Graham
