Music Sans Frontières Episode 17-10-23

Tuesday, 17 October 2023 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Playlist: 17-10-2023 presented by Joe

Fire – Culture Evolves (Brent Watkins); From Melbourne, With Love [2023]*
Miriwa (Sky) Ft. Deborah Cheetham  - Brenda Gifford; Live with CSO Chamber Players [2021]
Pomawsuwinuwok Wonakiyawolotuwok - Jeremy Dutcher; Motewolonuwok [2023]*
Peace Now - Alice Night; Single [2023]*
Land of my other - The Breath; Land of My Other [2023]*
Morning Marketplace - Mexican Music Man; Single [2023]
Chakana Sagrada - Luzmila Carpio ; El Retorno del Sol [2023]*
The Water Woman and the Orphan Girl - Zulya & the Children of the Underground; Tales of Subliming [2010]

Interview with Albanian singer, now based in Melbourne, Arjeta who is performing at The Channel - Arts Centre Melbourne, presented by the Boite, on Saturday 21st October 2pm.
Tracks played: Valle shqiptare / Kolazh popullor
Tickets at

Nani Nani - Isokratisses; Cry With Tears: Greek-Albanian Songs of Many Voices [2022]*
UMBOMBELA - Soweto Gospel Choir; Freedom [2018]
So Ubuji - Makaya McCraven; In These Times [2023]*

Interview with Sissy Castrogiovanni singer, from Catania, Sicily: songwriter, producer and educator based in Boston, United States about her musical journey (record in Catania on 5th August, 2023) Sissy and The Sicilian Jazz Experience have a special show on October 19 at Berklee Performance Centre.
Music used:
Africannu - Intra Lu Munnu; [2013]
Terra / Gandalf (Wayfaring Stranger) / A’Panza - Terra [2020]

Za monica (cantu di piscaturi) - Lautari; Fora Tempu [2020]*
gaza 2 - Stefano Meli; Ghostrain [2015]*

* can be found at

This episode can be listened to again via streaming on demand at and also as a podcast.

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As we navigate our way through COVID-19 please support musicians whenever you can, buying their music, merchandise or tickets to online and live performances and your local music store.

Music Sans Frontieres presenters Therese Virtue, Joe Malignaggi and Leah Healy
Tuesday 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Music Sans Frontieres has been providing airplay, interviews and promotional opportunities for Australian musicians since 2006. We showcase the local talent of musicians from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds; from the Balkans to the choirs of Timor Leste; from Georgian polyphony to South African marabi. Music Sans Frontieres brings music from diverse and unique cultural groups to a broader listening audience. We respond to musicians' requests and are building a loyal, enthusiastic listenership.


Therese Virtue, Leah Healy and Joe Malignaggi.
