Alateen and Al-Anon - Dan

Thursday, 7 December 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Alateen - hope for children of alcoholics

Dan, a member of Al-Anon, grew up in a household in which another person's drinking was out of control. One of his parents was safe and nurturing during the day but in the evenings became a more dangerous presence. This inconsistency resulted in Dan feeling confused about how to trust people and eventually angry and distant from his parents. At 15 he went to Alateen where he found it healing to be in the company of other teenagers who understood his situation, did not judge and spoke authetically about their own experiences.


If you think that Al-Anon or Alateen could help you cope with someone else’s problem drinking then you can phone 1300 252 666 or go to their website

Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
