Al-Anon Family Groups - Andrea

Thursday, 5 October 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Growing up with alcoholic parents

Andrea was born in the early 1960's in a traditional family with an authoritarian father who believed that sons should have preferential treatment over daughters. Both her parents were addicted to alcohol and she learned not to talk too much to avoid her parents' anger. When Andrea left the family home she fell in love with a man who did not drink but who used drugs. She did not realise that this would be a problem but found that she was relying more and more on the people-pleasing behaviours that she had used to cope in her family of origin. Eventually, Andrea found Al-Anon, where she learned that to have a manageable life she had to stop trying to control others. She is now happily married to a loving husband.


If you think that Al-Anon could help you cope with someone else’s problem drinking then you can phone 1300 252 666 or go to their website


#Recovery #Alcoholism #Anonymous #LivingFree #Sobriety

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Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
