Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon - Gail and Steve

Thursday, 28 May 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Steve and Gail had alcoholic fathers, went on to become alcoholics themselves and had a close relationship with another alcoholic.

Gail joined Alcoholics Anonymous and has been in AA for over 30 years now and she joined Al-Anon Family Groups to help her deal with an alcoholic relationship. In Al-Anon she came to understand alcoholism as a family disease and realized that her childhood was badly affected by her dad’s alcoholism.

Steve joined Al-Anon at the suggestion of his recovering alcoholic wife and realized how much his dad’s drinking had adversely affected him. In Al-Anon he also grasped that his own drinking was frequently causing him problems and affecting his son’s life. Steve joined AA to address his alcoholism and now has a great balance in his life in both fellowships. He has been sober in AA for over 9 years.

If you think that alcohol may be a problem then Alcoholics Anonymous could help you. Give them a call on 1300 222 222 or see their website

If someone else's drinking is causing you a problem then you can phone the Al-Anon Family Groups helpline on 1300 252 666 or go online at

#Alcoholism #Al-Anon #Recovery

Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
