Gamblers Anonymous - Jay

Thursday, 12 December 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Gamblers Anonymous can help if you want to stop gambling

Jay had a pretty normal family childhood; his parents both worked but drank to excess on weekends. His gambling began at 13 years old through a close friend who used his mum’s TAB phone account to gamble on the horses on weekends. Jay’s first bet was a big win but he wasn’t hooked immediately, that really established when he turned 18 and could gamble more freely at the TABs in the local pubs. He managed his debts by borrowing money from his mum and repaying it regularly on payday.

The arrival of the Pokies in Victoria meant that Jay could gamble much more frequently and it became more problematic. To keep his wife happy he went to Gambler’s Help but continued to gamble before and after each session, continuing the pretence for over 4 years. Eventually he turned to his GP for help, accepted that he was addicted to gambling and then sought help from Gamblers Anonymous.  Listening to other gamblers share their stories at GA Jay soon realized that he could quit gambling and after a couple of breaks has been able to stay stopped and help other gamblers quit too.

If you’re having trouble with gambling, or has a friend or family member that does, then maybe Gamblers Anonymous could help – phone (03) 9696 6108 or visit their website for information and to see a list of local meetings.

Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
