Sobek, Svoboda, Ashworth : Cui, Millman : Robertson, Szekelyhidi, Cummins : RE#SISTANT BODIES

Saturday, 26 February 2022 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Intro/outro: The Amplified Elephants Shore from Deep Creatures 


Live recordings from the Make it up Club150222

+ Chloë Sobek (bass)/Helen Svoboda (bass)/Justin Ashworth (baritone guitar)

+ Ledong G Cui (alto sax)/Tony Millman (guitar)

+ Jassy Robertson(synths)/Mish Szekelyhidi(drums)/Joe Cummins(trumpet & pedals) (excerpt) 


RE#SISTER i don't wannt be grateful because you say so from RE#SISTANT BODIES