Twitter'd Drugs and the Psychedelic Gender Divide

Sunday, 14 July 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Nick and Ash discuss in-depth drug news from Australia and around the world.


We speak with Mike Williams who has spoken about road industry safety issues on 2GB in Sydney and 2CC in Canberra. Former owner driver, now working as a long distance driver carting bulk chemicals all over the east coast about roadside drug testing and his Twitter commentary on public issues.


Meredith is the Vice President of the Australian Psychedelic Society and an (almost fully qualified) therapist, who caught up with us after a recent trip to a conference in Canda. Meredith is also a musician, Registered Music Therapist and psychotherapist with a breadth of experience. As well as her private work, Meredith has experience working in early childhood, community, mental health, gender equity, and the disability sector. She has facilitated Music Therapy groups in adult mental health and with drug and alcohol inpatient therapy groups.

Meredith has a private practice in Guided Imagery and Music therapy, a form of music psychotherapy that developed out of LSD research in the 1960s. She works with a holistic approach to address the needs of her clients and special interests include LGBTQIA+ issues, healing from trauma, relationships and spiritual issues. Meredith also works with Australian Psychedelic Society, facilitating integration workshops for people who have had challenging psychedelic experiences.