
Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth
25 Nov 2015
A chat with Cam Walker (FOE) about the latest mining disasters and what that means for mines proposed in Australia. Also we introduce Emma Warren as a new co-presenter and talk about her background in urban planning, permaculture and landscape architecture
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Emma Warren
Gemma White
18 Nov 2015
We discuss housing issues for culturally and linguistically diverse older Australians with Gemma White from Homeless for the Aged Action Group
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Gemma White
Our glorious leader, Kevin Healy
11 Nov 2015
A discussion on some of the inevitabilities in life: taxes, corrupt politicians and the ongoing class war
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Malcolm McDonald and John Passant
Kevin Healy
4 Nov 2015
Anti-capitalist analysis of the mainstream media, and a new vision for Melbourne's public transport system.
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, John McPherson
28 Oct 2015
We talk to Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation about all the latest developments in the nuclear industry in Australia
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Dave Sweeney
Shane McGrath from Housing for the Aged Action Group
21 Oct 2015
Incisive analysis of news of the day and an interview with Shane McGrath from Housing for the Aged Action Group about his work
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Shane McGrath from Housing for the Aged Action Group
Peter Yacono, director of "Our Power"
14 Oct 2015
We cover a few matters of urban planning - energy, waste and roads
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Helen Van Den Berg, Peter Yacono
The capitol 'H' is the mark that VicRoads' tag on the trees. It stands for 'Habitat' and indicates that the tree is a significant, hollow bearing, habitat tree. This does not protect the tree. It simply alerts the contractors to the possible presence of wildlife before they cut it down.
7 Oct 2015
We discuss general transport issues, and the community campaign in Rushworth to find alternatives to clearing old trees for road safety
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Louise Costa, John McPherson
Professor Paddy Moriarty
30 Sep 2015
What measures will cities have to take to prepare for the effects of climate change?
Kevin Healy, Annie McLoughlin, Prof. Paddy Moriarty
23 Sep 2015
We examine social enterprises and how effective they are in providing social services such as housing
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, April Bragg
Save Albert Park
16 Sep 2015
City Limits bravely struggles through without access to tea; talks about the ongoing campaign to save Albert Park from the Grand Prix Formula 1 competition.
Kevin Healy, Peter Logan from Save Albert Park
Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation
9 Sep 2015
We talk to Ken Mooney about the successful campaign to save parkland in Brimbank, and we talk to Dave Sweeney about all things nuclear
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Ken Mooney, Dave Sweeney
Standing up to the fascists in Bendigo
2 Sep 2015
Government racists, Bendigo racists, and some talk about transport
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, John McPherson
Dr Phil Griffiths
26 Aug 2015
What would be the environmental consequences of a decent worldwide minimum wage?
Kevin Healy, Corey Green, Dr Phil Griffiths, John Passant
Kevin Healy
19 Aug 2015
The campaign to save Dingley Golf Course
Kevin Healy, Ronny Kareni, April Bragg