City Limits - fracking ban and zero-emissions future

Wednesday, 10 March 2021 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Content warning: Mention of SA in the news introduction. Start listening at 6.15 to skip this topic.

This energy week Kevin and Zeb interview Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth about the Vic government's new constitutional ban on fracking, the community's role in this win and the battle still to fight on gas exploration in Australia.

We then chat to Prof. Patrick Moriarty on renewables, zero emissions future and the necessity of a degrowth economy to get there.

Wednesday 9:00am to 10:00am
Urban environment issues, analysing government services, both federal and state and local campaigns.


Kevin Healy, Zeb Peake & Karina Aedo-Aguilera



Australian Unemployed Workers Union || A Socialist response to the Housing Crisis

21 Aug 2024
AUWU interview and Vic Socialists housing talk.

Derrimut Factory Fire

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Kevin and Zeb talk with Helen van den Berg on the after effects of the factory fire in Naarm's west