City Limits - Town Planning Rebellion + Nuclear Weapons and Waste

Wednesday, 12 August 2020 - 9:00am to 10:00am

This week is energy week with Kevin and Karina - 

We kick off the show with an interview with former co-presenter Mark Allen, who discusses a new group called Town Planning Rebellion (TPR), set up to highlight the critical role that land use planning plays in combatting our current climate and ecological emergency. We discuss their main aims and focus points, as well as the critical role of citiizens' assemblies and other collaborative forums in implementing these and other changes in future. 

You can join the discussion on their Facebook group here.


Later, Dave Sweeney (Australian Conservation Foundation) joins us to discuss all things nuclear, including the 70th Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which sees positive changes to international law on the horizon, and an update on the federal government plans to set up a nuclear waste dump on Barngarla Country (Kimba, SA) with a frightening new bill that aims to preclude any future legal pushback. 

Wednesday 9:00am to 10:00am
Urban environment issues, analysing government services, both federal and state and local campaigns.


Kevin Healy, Zeb Peake & Karina Aedo-Aguilera



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