City Limits - August Transport Update

Wednesday, 5 August 2020 - 9:00am to 10:00am

This week Kevin invites our regular transport expert John McPherson on the show to discuss updates in Victorian transport, looking at the dichotomy of the governmental funding for road-based transport over effective and accessible public transport.

Here, we look at the tokenistic improvement to Victorian train lines - 10 extra weekly services on a few key lines, and the Upfield railway upgrades, vs. new ($340m) plans to "keep the city moving" by easing road congestion. We also chat about links between life expectancy and pollution, and Australia's comparatively poor pollution-control measures, and that despite our (very slow) move towards electric vehicles, they are no panacea. 

Wednesday 9:00am to 10:00am
Urban environment issues, analysing government services, both federal and state and local campaigns.


Kevin Healy, Zeb Peake & Karina Aedo-Aguilera



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