Crohn's & Colitis and the Mental Health Experience

Wednesday, 30 August 2023 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm
A caucasian woman with long blonde hair wearing a white shirt and black pants stands against a white wall, she is smiling, and a man stands next to her. He is caucasian and is wearing a white MasterChef Australia apron and a black long sleeved shirt, he has short brown hair and beard and is smiling.

Former MasterChef Australia contestant, Aaron Sanders was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about a decade ago, after being mis-diagnosed as having a parasite. He is now using his social media presence to be an advocate for people living with invisible disease and mental health. Sarah Starkey is a Palliative Care Nurse and a lived-experience ambassador for Crohn’s and Colitis Australia. She  and Aaron will be guests today on our radio show Brainwaves.

They will discuss the diseases from a lived experience lens, and shed a light on the mental health realities of the conditions, and the areas where the health system can support those living with the diseases more thoroughly - as well as talk about the Live Fearless Challenge run by CCA to destigmatise the diseases.


Head to for more information on the challenge and on how to support the 200k people in Australia with the disesaes, and  don't forget to follow Sarah, Aaron and Flic on Instagram for more information and support!



Wednesday 5:00pm to 5:30pm
Challenging the mainstream, negative stereotypes of people with a mental illness, Brainwaves actively engages those living with a mental illness as researchers, interviewers, performers and program designers while promoting community mental health awareness.


Members of Wellways Australia
