Highlights from 2022: Trans and Gender Diverse Voices

Thursday, 22 December 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am
A digital illustration of an orange cloud floating on a blue back ground. Black letters across the cloud read "SUMMER PROGRAMMING 2022-23".

Acknowledgement of Country//

Isabelle Moreton is a community member who has been involved in analysing government policy and legislative pushes in Australia that affect trans and gender diverse people. Isabelle joins us to day to speak about a range of issues surrounding the discussion of trans people in Australian politics and media, including the operation and impacts of framing of trans lives and identities as a legitimate arena for debate.//

Naavikaran is a Meanjin based trans-Goddess, an upcoming producer, multimedia artist and changemaker. Through storytelling and the practice of culture, Naavikaran wants to support the care for land, Elders and children to come. She will be performing next week at 10 and 11pm on Thursday the 2nd of June for the event SERVE, and then DJing!!! from 4-8pm the next day Friday the 3rd of June. Both events will be at Rainbow.//

Natalie Feliks is a writer, feminist and activist, who has published both fiction and non-fiction work. These days, Natalie has a focus on bringing empowerment to queer and disabled people through advocacy and representation. Today Natalie joins us to talk all things trans-fiction, coping with rejection, staying motivated and what inspires her writing practice.//

Witt Gorrie provides updates from the Beyond Bricks & Bars: Trans Gender Diverse Decarceration Project, which is continuing to fundraise to support vital work with trans and gender diverse people impacted by the criminal punishment system, and to speak about the Project's plans for 2023 and beyond. Witt is a white trans social worker who has worked alongside communities impacted by criminalisation and incarceration for the past decade. They have been building Beyond Bricks & Bars over the past 3 years, providing direct support to trans and gender diverse people incarcerated, at risk of incarceration and those re-establishing life after prison.//


If My Genders Were The Entire Solar System - Naavikaran

Wave - Moju

Road Train - Pigram Brothers