Discussion on Reproductive Rights, Melbourne Uni Strike Action, Queer Indigenous Representation in the Creative Arts, Getting off Gas

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Sandy O'Sullivan's free public lecture


7.15: Discussion on the tendency to dismiss and ignore women's pain, reproductive rights and navigating the medical system. 

7.30: Chloe, staff member at Melbourne Uni and NTEU Vice President for professional staff, talking to us about the strike action happening at Melbourne Uni this week//

7.45: Professor Sandy O'Sullivan talking to us about their research, their project on Mapping the influence of Indigenous LGBTIQ+ creative artists, and free public lecture at Victoria University on 31 August. Follow Professor O'Sullivan on Twitter and Instagram.//

8.15: Freja Leonard, Coordinator of the No More Gas Collective at Friends of the Earth, on their campaign to get off gas.//
