Reconciliation Week, Radiothon and Abortion laws

Tuesday, 29 May 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Tuesday Breakfast May 29th 

7.00 am  Acknowledgement of Country

7.05 am  The crew discuss Reconciliation Week 

7.10 am We play a section of the program, AWAYE, an Indigenous arts and culture show, on the 67' referendum.    

7.20 am  Ayan speaks with Jiselle from Accent of Women to discuss her work on community radio, activism and why people should support radiothon. 

7.45 am  We play another section of the program, AWAYE, an Indigenous arts and culture show, on the 67' referendum.    

8.00 am We discuss why people should donate to 3CR. 

8.10 am  Anya chats to Adrianne Walters, Senior Lawyer (Human Rights Law Centre) about the NSW Public Health Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill - what the bill is about, the implications of its safe passage, the next steps in the fight for safe reproductive health, and the Hight Court test case regarding the validity of Victoria’s safe access zone laws. 


artist: DRMNG NOW
song: Australia Does Not Exist   

artist: Yolanda Brown
song: Tokyo Sunset 

artist: Alice Skye   
song: You are the Mountains 

artist: Nicki Minaj 
song: Chun-Li