
Stolen Wealth Games 2008, photo by Denis Evans

Tune in to 3CR's annual Invasion Day broadcast on 26 January and hear the truth about Australia's colonial past and present and the current campaigns to right these wrongs.  Join 3CR's indigenous broadcasters Gilla McGuinness (Precious Memories), Robbie Thorpe (Fire First), Viv Malo (The Black Block) and Johnny Mac (Koori Survival Show) for commentary, interviews, music, and updates from rallies and actions across the country on Tuesday 26 January from

Did you miss out on listening to the incredible story of the Black Panther Party in a keynote speech given by Billy X Jennings at the Marxism Conference? Aired during the usual City Limits program time slot, the speech will be available on demand for the coming week until Wed 13 Jan, 10am. Listen here to this amazing speech. Go to our Summer Specials page more information about the programming grid.

Joe Hill Tribute Benefit for 3CR

Thanks to some friends of 3CR and the Lomond Hotel for organising this fundraiser and giving us a chance to hear some uplifting music in the spirit of Joe Hill, IWW organiser and influential songwriter. A man who inspired Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen and countless others. $10 waged/ $5 concession.

Tune in to 3CR Breakfast from Monday 16 November to Saturday 28 November between 8-8:30am for regular reports, interviews and commentaries in the lead up to the People's Climate March (Friday 27 November, State Library, 5.30pm) and COP21 (the UN conference on climate change in Paris on 30 November).

How To Make Trouble And Influence People 2016 Diary

Produced by the author of the How To Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Protests, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making From Across Australia book and regular contributor to 3CR's Seeds of Dissent calendars, this 2016 diary features 366 radical dates in Australian history as well as dozens of images and stories. Just $15 hereAll profits go to 3CR and Ecuador's Los Cedros Biological Reserve 

Minister for Employment, Michaelia Cash

Listen to Stick Together this week as Annie McLoughlin asks President of the ACTU Ged Kearney about what difference Malcolm and his new Ministers will make to the lives and conditions of Australian workers?

Earth Matters Postcard

That's over 1000 stories and 500 hours of radio from the frontlines of environmental struggles in Australia and around the world. From Jabiluka to Goolengook, West Papua to Palestine, and everywhere in-between. So what can you expect from our 1000th show?

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first.Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.
Rally for workers rights

Tune in from 7am til 12 noon for news and views from local and international workers, as well as all the details on events happening this May Day.  Live crosses from the rally and march in the afternoon from 4pm til 6.30pm to Stop Western Australia closures, and support the call for decolonization and sovereignty for First Nation people.

Tuesday 10:00pm to 11:00pm
Bringing you news from the social movements of Greece in English and Greek, the anti-fascist and anti-racist front and news of actions and political initiatives from below.