Thursday Breakfast 16 Nov - Northcote By-election, Previous Manus Island Employee, No Vote vs Homonationalism, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, Vacant Housing Rates

Thursday, 16 November 2017 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Fiona Villiella interviewed Cath Rouse - Newlands Friends of the Forest - Northcote by-election Forest protection and job potential and sustanable tourism

Dr. Shakira Hussein - (Twitter @shakirahussein), Honorary research fellow at the University of Melbourne specialising in Gender, Islam and Multiculturalism - reflecting on tension between high migrant areas who voted no and homonationalism with Scheherazade Bloul.

Donna Stolzenberg - Director of Melbourne Homelss Collective - Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign 25th Nov -10th December, this years theme, “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls

Yes For Love Campaign - Are the Kids Alright?, Featuring children Sebastian and Felix from a rainbow family, they chat about the impact the Yes Campaign is having on them and their family and answer the question, Can Mum's tell Dad jokes? YES for LOVE was produced by Joy (94.9) FM for the Community Radio Network -  Stories from the LGBTIQ community across Australia recorded in the lead up to the survey  @Joy949

Karl Fitzgerald - Renegade Economists5.30pm wednesdays on 3CR - Campaigning to implement a Vacancy Tax on the recorded 11.2 per cent of unoccupied dwellings.