Medical concerns for Palestinians | Update on the Middle East | Australia's complicity in Israel's attempted genocide of Palestinians | GeneEthics Network News | Reflections on 2023 world affairs

Tuesday, 19 December 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy

  Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War, with medical concerns for Palestinians during unprecedented destruction of healthcare services,

 Dr Tim Anderson with an update on his most recent trip to the Middle East: Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and more,

 Jacob Grech on Australia's complicity in Israel's attemped genocide, specifically intelligence and arms manufacturing,

 A 2023 recap on one of the busiest years for GeneEthics Network – Executive Director Bob Phelps, 

 A reflection on changes in world affairs throughout the year – John Queripel, theologian, social commentator, and published author living in Newcastle.

 Head to for full access to links and previous podcast