Responsible Tourism, Proposed merger of Children and Federal Circuit Court, Chaplaincy within Schools, Religious Freedoms Review and Songs of Satire

Wednesday, 6 June 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7:00am Acknowledgement of Country.

7:06am Songs of Satire focuses on 1990s band Pulp song Common People, breaking down the social and political messages behind the piece.

7:12am  Song: Common People by band, Pulp

7:18am  Regina Scheyvens, Co-director of Pacific Research and Policy Center in School of People, Environment and Planning from  Massey University talking about being a responsible tourist, emphasising the need to be environmentally conscious when travelling.

7:26am Song: Black Rock Band Bininj Kunborrk.

7:30am  Miranda Kaye from the University of Technology of Sydney  providing information on the  proposed merger of the Children's Court of Australia and The Federal Circuit Court.

7:42am President of the Rationalist Society of Australia Meredith Doig to have a chat with us about the new chaplaincy programme in Australian Schools.

8:00am Song: Black Rock Band Struggle. 

8:05am  Our monthly catchup with Dr Tim Jones from La Trobe University discussing the Religious Freedoms Review.

8:22am Song: Anouar Brahem The Astounding eyes of Rita