Politics with your Wheaties

Saturday, 24 June 2017 - 7:30am to 9:00am

The Respect Campaign. We look at perspectives on the campaign to bring Aboriginal Australia under the control of the Australian Constitution: has the Australian non-indignous community done enough to be able to make a fair deal with Aboriginal people. We speak with filmmaker Melanie Hogan about her film Kanyini made ten years ago and about to be re-released on iTunes (June 28) which is about the issues for Aboriginal people when it comes to moving forward in harmony in this country. We follow this with a powerful speech by Uncle Les Coe a Dubbo man who left the recent Uhluru meeting. He gives his reasons.

We move on to This is the Week that was.

Then Humphrey McQueen gives a fablous account of the six mainstream critques of Marxism and gives his score.