Monday Breakfast 4 September: Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia, Over The Wall, Charlie Cooper, City of Yarra

Monday, 4 September 2017 - 7:00am to 8:30am

 Highlights from Monday Breakfast with Will and Lucy

– Respect: Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia has decided to withdraw from the 1800RESPECT helpline. RDVSA Executive Officer Karen Willis comes on the show to go over her organisation's concerns. Read the full RDVSA statement here

– Over The Wall: Informing people of changes within government services which are impacting upon the social safety net, and how to better deal with bureaucracy and protect your rights.  Over the Wall offers some simple tools to fight back and defend yourself against a system that penalises people already disadvantaged by poverty and significant health conditions

– #Qheadspace: LGBTQI activist Charlie Cooper comes on the show to talk about Queer mental health, the monthly LGBTQI youth online chat spaceQheadspace, and looking out for each other in the shadow of the Marriage Law Postal Survey. Links here for Headspace and Mental Health First Aid Australia

– #ChangeTheDate: Yarra City Council Mayor Cr Amanda Stone comes on Monday Breakfast to explain why Yarra has chosen to end commemorations of "Australia Day" on 26 January

Happy Listening!