Animal Activist Forum - Pam Ahern

Sunday, 29 October 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Pam Ahern's presentation from the recent Australian Animal Activist Forum.

Pam is the Founder and Director of farmed animal sanctuary Edgar's Mission (Victoria, Australia).

Pam's talk was a journey of self-discovery from animal lover to animal advocate as she explores the role of farm sanctuaries in the bigger picture of creating a kinder world for animals.

This is the perfect show to share with friends and family who may not 'get' why you are vegan or those who love animals but are still on the 'journey' towards kindness for all.

Freedom of Species would like to thank Pam Ahern and the Animal Activist Forum organisers for granting us permission to broadcast this talk.

Edgar's Mission website

Edgar's Mission Facebook page

Edgar's Mission Cooking with Kindness cookbook

Animal Activist Forum website

Animal Activist Forum Facebook page

Sunday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Animal advocacy on the airwaves, hosted by a team of local animal advocates.


The Freedom of Species Team
