Working class protests in Iran continue

Saturday, 9 June 2018 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Since late last year, Iran has witnessed a wave of strikes and demonstrations on a scale unprecedented since the revolutionary days of the late 1970s.
While the Iranian government likes to portray these protests as imperialist plots from the USA and Israel to overthrow the Iranian government, the reality is that the causes of these protests are to be found in workers' anger at corruption, exploitation, repression and poverty.
We speak to Bahman Yusufi, an Iranian independent labour activist, who gives some background to these protests and how workers are able to organise in an environment where independent unions are effectively repressed and non-existent.

Asia Pacific Currents provides updates of labour struggles and campaigns from the Asia Pacific region. It is produced by Australia Asia Worker Links, in the studio of 3CR Radio in Melbourne, Australia

Saturday 9:00am to 9:30am
Stories and issues from the Asia Pacific region with a labour and grassroots perspective. Regular interviews with activists from countries in the Asia Pacific region. Produced by Australia-Asia Worker Links.


Australia Asia Worker Links
